Saturday, August 11, 2007

Skylight Gardening

The garden blog has been quiet for a month -- we must be in the throes of a late summer heat blast.

When the weather gets like it has been this past week, (highs > 100°F, lows barely less than 90°F), I tend to hibernate inside the house, and let the garden fend for itself, for better or worse. I did harvest the few remaining 'Sweet 100' grape tomatoes on the shriveling vine, and they were delicious, if sparse. I think I'll plant two or three of them next year.

Since I'm currently working from home, I can go days without leaving the house. Who wants to walk out into that blast-furnace of heat and humidity? Not I.

Mercifully, today is much more moderate -- temps only in the mid-80s. A welcome break of blessed relief.

When I am working from home, sitting at my desk I do have a nice view:
-Various swaying trees, including a Mimosa, which is in bloom right now.

If I zoom in, and in, and in and in:

I can see Mimosa flowers from the (dis)comfort of my desk chair. And sometimes I even see hummingbirds flitting from one fuzzy flower to another. And the occasional hummingbird moth. All without having to open the front door or even get out of my chair.

I love my skylights.

Casey says:

"Wake me up when summer is over!"